
Nytron Aerospace embodies a team of visionary pioneers and imaginative thinkers. Within our dynamic and relaxed workplace, our staff is fueled by a passion for innovative ideas, dedicated to nurturing a culture that encourages exploration, teamwork, and experimentation. When you join us, you have the opportunity to accelerate our production, devise groundbreaking solutions, or influence a global supply chain. Discover your future with us by delving deeper into our mission and vision.

Career Areas

Nytron Aerospace is a company of bold innovators and dreamers. Our fast-paced, casual work environment is driven by employees who thrive on innovative thinking and are committed to creating a culture that supports learning, collaboration, and experimentation. Join us and you can speed up our production, develop innovative solutions or shape a global supply chain. Find your future with us by learning more about what we do.

Life at Nytron Aerospace We’re a company filled with inquisitive, energetic, enterprising, and talented people.

College and Entry Level

Nytron is where you can begin your career collaborating with amazing people on amazing products. You’ll work alongside programmers and machinists, collaborate with thinkers and dreamers, and team up with experts.

Unmatched Potential for Growth

We are expanding constantly and have our sights set on the future. We are committed to the growth of the company and our employees; both professionally and personally. Every day presents an opportunity to solve a new challenge; whether it be assisting a customer with a design, or writing the next line of code for our machines.

A people-first company

Our success is fueled by exceptional talent. Inspiration truly starts at the workplace.

Nytron Aerospace Career Opportunities

Nytron Aerospace is where you can begin your career collaborating with amazing people on amazing products. You’ll work alongside engineers, programmers and machinists; collaborate with thinkers and dreamers, and team up with experts.


Education and Training

Not required to fill out, but preferred!

High School Attended

Undergraduate School Attended

Graduate School

Other (Specify)

Employment History

MUST complete this section if a resume is NOT attached.

Start with your current or most recent job. Include any job-related military service assignments and volunteer activities.

Job # 1

Job # 2

Job # 3

Applicant’s Certification and Agreement

Please read carefully before submitting.

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.

Nytron Aerospace is an equal opportunity employer and will consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, age, color, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected status.

No applicant will be rejected as a result of any impairment that, with reasonable accommodation, does not prevent the performance of the work.

Nytron Aerospace will not tolerate sexual harassment or harassment on the basis of any protected class status in the workplace.

I understand that, if selected, I will be required to provide proof of my identity and legal right to work in the United States prior to actual employment at Nytron Aerospace.

In consideration of my employment, I agree to adhere to all existing and future instructions, rules, and policies of Nytron Aerospace.

I also understand that Nytron Aerospace reserves the right to change wages, hours, and working conditions as deemed necessary and that no representative of Nytron Aerospace has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.

I understand that I have entered into my employment relationship with Nytron Aerospace voluntarily and acknowledge that there is no specified length of employment. Accordingly, either Nytron Aerospace can terminate the relationship at will, with or without cause, at any time.

Submitting this form certifies that I have read, understand, and agree with the contents of the statement as though the provisions had been my own.

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